Practitioners can be challenged by the unprofessional behaviour of colleagues. Although foreign to AHPRA codes of conduct, workplace health and safety laws, employment and practice policies, bullying and harassment, particularly of junior staff, can still occurs in healthcare practice. Sadly, bullying in medicine is as old as the profession itself, but maybe the tide is changing. This session aims to provide some real insight into the issue, with some details of interesting recent research and some practical strategies to deal with negative behaviour. 

The 1 hour webinar session will outline recent history and studies on this issue. Some details of further recent research is provided as well as a number of strategies that all practitioners can employ to deal with negative behaviour in the workplace

Learning outcomes

  • Consider various healthcare workplace and other issues concerning unprofessional behaviour of colleagues
  • Outline the workplace and safety and AHPRA code of conduct concerning appropriate behaviour
  • Implement strategies to avoid and or deal with negative behaviour


Dr Kimberley Ivory is a rural GP and a senior lecturer in Population Medicine at the University of Sydney. Dr Ivory is interested in cultural diversity and teaches medical students and general practitioners how to communicate effectively using a cultural humility framework. Her research interest is the impact of stigma and discrimination on health outcomes

To obtain a Certificate of Attendance you must view the entire webinar and complete a feedback form. You may pause the video but you cannot track forward or back. Length: 58 minutes.

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