Applying for your desired position necessitates a methodical and determined approach. How do you put yourself in the best possible position to get the job you want? In this session, Prof Brian Wood provides his insight specifically for junior doctors imparting information you may not find readily available.

Following this session, you will be able to prepare a compelling CV and cover letter to adequately describe your professional experience and highlight your strengths. It will be easier for you to evaluate what skills are required to excel in any interview, whether in-person or in a remote setting. All of the things you learn here will help you further develop a plan and progress in your career.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the main aspects involved in an interview process within healthcare
  • Implement critical steps to successfully prepare for interviews
  • Refine their own interview techniques.

Prof Brian Wood - Geriatrician consultant and senior staff specialist at Redland Hospital.

Prof Wood has previously been involved in postgraduate training and development at a high level. He currently provides a range of educational services to the RACP and has experience in pre-vocational training.

Matthew Howard - 2nd year Dermatology Registrar at Skin Health Institute, Melbourne.

With a dual qualification in pharmacy and medicine, Matthew has special interests in a pharmacological basis of dermatology, dermato-oncology, bullous disorders and connective tissue dermatoses and has published several articles in peer reviewed journals.

Watch the webinar