This recorded webinar provides an overview of your Medicare obligations.

Keeping abreast of your obligations with Medicare is a critical part of clinical practice. Healthcare practitioners are fully accountable for ensuring that item numbers are applied lawfully. You must understand every item number and descriptor your practice employs and exercise your best judgement to interpret them. 

In this webinar, we will equip you with the necessary knowledge and strategies to ensure your practice complies with Medicare billing and PSR obligations, as well as guide you through typical inappropriate practice scenarios to avoid.  

Learning objectives

  1. Identify the requirements of Medicare billing
  2. Ilustrate ongoing Medicare monitoring and supervision of billing practices.
  3. Implement practice billing processes in according with the MBS and PBS


Dr Peter Simpson is a clinico-legal adviser at MIPS and originally a General Practitioner from NSW who now provides clinico legal advice from the MIPS Brisbane office . He has extensive expertise in Medicare monitoring, investigation  and compliance issues, medical indemnity in general and health practitioners's risk education. 

Watch the webinar