In March 2022, the medical community mourned the loss of Dr Nichola Davis, a skilled general practitioner, and a compassionate medico-legal advisor who once served as the Chair of Claims at the Medical Indemnity Protection Society (MIPS). Beyond her professional accomplishments, Dr Davis was, above all, a devoted mother to her sons, Jack and Max. 

A Journey of Medicine and Mentorship 

Dr Davis devoted her life to medicine, driven by a passion for making a meaningful impact. Originally from the UK, Dr Davis’ initial plan was to specialise in obstetrics after studying at the University of Cambridge. However, she found her calling in general practice, likely due to her love for challenges and the ability to have a continuous impact on her patients’ lives.  

In 1991, she immigrated to Cairns, QLD, where she not only pursued her career but also embraced motherhood to her two sons, Jack and Max. “Some of our earliest memories are of her taking calls night and day, doing what she loved, which was listening to doctors and helping them in difficult situations,” recalled Jack, of his mother’s role as medico-legal advisor at MIPS.  

In addition to being a long-standing and dedicated employee at MIPS, Dr Davis played a crucial role in mentoring and assisting numerous doctors in her career as a general practitioner, advisor, and university academic. 

According to her sons, a special time in her career was at James Cook University, where she coordinated and led the inaugural cohort of 40 medical students to study within the Cairns region.  

“More often than not, she was chasing the sunshine, so she worked in four different states and ended up in Far North Queensland where she served the local community for over two decades,” reminisced Max.  

This included not only working as a general practitioner but also as acting chair of the Board of Directors of General Practice and as an educator at James Cook University.  

Establishing the Dr Nichola Davis Scholarship 

In collaboration with her sons, MIPS has established a scholarship at the University of Queensland, a fitting tribute to Dr Davis's impactful contributions to medicine and her enduring service to the MIPS team. The scholarship aims to support medical students from rural Queensland facing financial hardship. 

The brothers hope the scholarship will endure for years to come, reflecting their mother's commitment to equity and compassion. “Her ethos as a person and as a doctor, was all about helping others,” explained Jack.  

“Our mother felt very strongly about equity and would put her words into action every day. She spent so much of her life devoted to helping others, that if this scholarship were to carry on her life’s work, it would become full circle.” 

Dr Davis's favourite quote, "The time is always right to do what is right," encapsulates the scholarship's ethos - to carry on her life's work in supporting aspiring medical professionals.  

“This was something she really lived by and is relevant for the motive behind the scholarship. I think the idea of leaving a legacy behind will make her happy,” said Max. “Our mother, like many people, didn’t seek recognition for most of her work, especially the important work she did as a GP and as a medical advisor. 

She was very humble, but she would be touched that her memory will continue to help and serve others, which was what she felt strongly about in both medicine and academia.” 

Your Invitation to Contribute 

If you would like to contribute to the Dr Nichola Davis Scholarship fund, please feel free to make a tax-deductible donation at Your generosity will positively impact the journey of financially disadvantaged medical students from rural/remote areas, allowing them to pursue their passion and contribute to underserved areas in healthcare. We hope to honour Nichola's memory by continuing her legacy of compassion and service to the medical community.  

The scholarship will open on 17 July 2024. For more details visit the University of Queensland 

Medical Indemnity Protection Society ABN 64 007 067 281 | AFSL 301912  

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