Has your practice changed? 

You may risk delays in access to support and advice when you need it the most if your Membership Classification does not provide cover for your practice. 

MIPS receives thousands of calls from members each year. Some of these calls are for minor questions but some relate to serious matters that could result in a significant claim. 

Your invitation to renew your MIPS’ membership will be issued in May 2023. To avoid delays in updating your membership details during this busy time, review your classification now and contact MIPS if a change is required. This way, you don’t risk any delay in getting assistance when you need it the most. 

What do you need to check?

  • Are your billings correct?

    To determine your correct level of cover, MIPS requires your estimated annual gross billings for practice where you are not indemnified by your employer. If you also undertake practice where no billings are generated, you need to provide your salary for that practice (e.g. salary you receive for the supervision of other practitioners where those services are not employer indemnified). For more information, refer to the Classification guide.

  • Is your practice employer indemnified?

    Employer indemnified practice refers to practice where your employer has agreed to indemnify you (to meet your AHPRA registration indemnity requirements) for any civil claims as a result of your acts, errors and omissions in carrying out your duties. If you are uncertain of your indemnity arrangements, you should seek confirmation from your employer.

    If your classification is ‘Employer indemnified only’ and you have commenced practice not indemnified by your employer, you need to provide details by completing the Membership Classification Update .

  • Are you still eligible for ‘Registrar’ classification (medical only)? 

    If you have obtained your specialist qualification or you are no longer enrolled in an accredited specialist training program, you need to update your membership classification by completing the Membership Classification Update .

  • Do you undertake cosmetic services?

    Most categories exclude cover for cosmetic practice, including minor cosmetic procedures such as botulinum toxin injections, dermal fillers, and dermal resurfacing. Refer to the Classification guide for more information and contact MIPS if you undertake cosmetic practice not covered under your classification. 

Insurance cover is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy. The information provided is general advice only and does not take into account your personal circumstances or needs. You should review the Member Handbook Combined PDS and FSG and/or contact MIPS on 1800 061 113 before making a decision. Information is current as at the date published.