Medical practitioners 

Since 1 January 2024, all registered medical practitioners (except students, interns, non-practising doctors, and those granted exemption by the Board) must comply with an updated CPD Registration Standard that requires practitioners to: 

  • join an accredited CPD Home in 2024; and 
  • develop a professional development plan; and 
  • complete at least 50 hours per calendar year of CPD activities that comprise:
    • at least 25 hours of reviewing performance and measuring outcomes
    • 12.5 hours of traditional learning or education activities
    • 12.5 hours of free choice activities from the above three categories
  • retain records of attendance and completion of CPD activities for three years.

Additionally, the Medical Board of Australia has recently confirmed that grace periods will no longer be granted, which means you must complete your required CPD hours before 31 December 2024. However, you have until 28 February 2025, to record your activities completed during the 2024 calendar year. 

Question: I attended a webinar in November 2024, and it is January 2025. Can I record this activity as part of my 2024 CPD requirements? 

Answer: Yes, you can log this as a 2024 CPD learning activity until 28 February 2025, to upload your documents to your CPD home. 

Question: I completed a CPD activity in January 2025, can I record this as part of my 2024 CPD requirements? 

Answer: No. Since this activity was completed after 01 January 2025, it can only be recorded for the 2025 CPD cycle, not the 2024 CPD cycle. 

MIPS will continue processing CPD activities for RACGP members and issue a Statement of Attendance for those who attend a risk education session.    

Dental practitioners 

According to the Dental Board of Australia’s CPD Registration Standard, dental practitioners must complete 60 hours of CPD every three years, with at least 48 hours of focused on scientifically based activities and no more than 12 hours of non-scientifically based activities.  

The current three-year CPD cycle runs from 1 December 2022 until 30 November 2025.  

How can MIPS help you? 

MIPS is committed to helping you meet your CPD requirements and ensure that activities meet your diverse learning needs.  We have all our webinars available on demand and you can watch these, complete the activity and gain CPD points at any time – when it suits you! 

Here are the dates for our final four webinars of 2024: 

Tuesday 10 September 
Wednesday 16 October
Tuesday 19 November
Tuesday 10 December

As the year is fast coming to an end, it’s a great time to review your CPD progress and ensure you’re on track to meet your CPD requirements by 31 December 2024. 

Explore the full range of activities available in the MIPS Member Support library. Here is a list of available CPD activities from 2024 so far: 

CPD Activity category 



Educational Activity 

Concepts of Open Disclosure and Candour in Medicine 

Health Practitioner Liability and duty of care 

Working as an independent medical expert: your roles, responsibilities, and liabilities 

Working with Life Insurers – Reports, Opinions and Confidentiality 

Emerging Medico-Legal Trends 

AI Transcription Tools in Medicine and Dentistry: Risks and Rewards 


Demystifying Family Law in Medicine and Dentistry 

Telehealth Regulatory Updates 

Cosmetic Practice Regulatory Changes 

Voluntary Assisted Dying 

Dental Practice: Managing Third-Party Risks 

Health records – your no.1 risk mitigation tool 

Reviewing Performance 

Reflecting on Open Disclosure and Duty of Candour in Healthcare 

Effective Health Record Keeping as Risk Tool 

Reflecting on your duty of care and the underpinning, legal, ethical and regulatory principles 

Health records – your no.1 risk mitigation tool 

Post-webinar: Self-reflection questionnaire 

VAD post webinar activity insights 

Reflections on Consent to medical treatment when children are involved 

AI Transcription Tools in Medicine and Dentistry: Risks and Rewards 


Reviewing Performance + 

Measuring Outcomes 

Self-assessment and mini audit for risk mitigation: Evaluating regulatory compliance with health record management in clinical practice 

1 hour RP 

5 hours MO 

After completing a Reviewing Performance or Measuring Outcomes CPD activity, please contact the Risk Education team at to claim your Statement of Completion. 

Please note that pre and post webinar Statements of Completion are issued in batches, not on a request made basis.  


Medical Indemnity Protection Society ABN 64 007 067 281 | AFSL 301912  

All information on this page is of a general nature only and is not intended to be relied upon as, nor to be a substitute for, specific legal or other professional advice.  

No responsibility for the loss occasioned to any person acting on or refraining from action as a result of any material published can or will be accepted by MIPS.   

You should seek legal or other professional advice before relying on any content, and practise proper clinical decision making with regard to the individual circumstances.   

Information is only current at the date initially published.  

If in doubt, contact our claims and 24-hour medico-legal advice and support team on 1300 698 573.  

You should consider the appropriateness of the information and read the Member Handbook Combined PDS and FSG before making a decision on whether to join MIPS.