Occasionally things don’t go to plan. Every day in Australia many thousands of healthcare interventions occur. These interventions are often complex, delivered in high-pressure environments and involve multiple practitioners working in teams and across organisations. Most care leads to good outcomes, but preventable adverse events and patient harm can and do occur.

In November 2022, the Victorian Government introduced a new duty and legal obligation for selected health services. This webinar will explore and address:

  • the perceived medico-legal implications
  • unpack the practical significance of the duty of candour statutory requirements
  • provide guidance and advice on how to prepare for and conduct compliant open disclosure processes
  • examine the codes of conduct and what can you do to avoid being the subject of a claim or complaint, and the benefits of the recent legislative changes.

This session will also cover the approach that MIPS takes to these issues, highlighting the benefits of creating an environment that facilitates open and effective communications and timely open disclosure, that can mitigate various outcomes for you.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  • describe the medico-legal implications of the Australian open disclosure framework
  • identify and implement effective processes and policies to identify, prevent and manage medico-legal risk
  • explain the communications requirements of healthcare providers concerning an apology or expression of regret, disclosing adverse events, privacy and confidentiality considerations, and the legal and regulatory consequences of non-compliance.

MIPS resources

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