Career steps

  1. Think about yourself
  2. Know all the options and realities
  3. Make a considered choice
  4. Make it happen for you

What if I have made a mistake?

  • It's not the end of the world
  • Knowledge and experience are never wasted
  • Seek some advice about your options

Be aware of these stresses

  • Long hours and fatigue
  • Exposure to traumatic events
  • Bullying and interpersonal issues
  • Conflicts with colleagues
  • Exam stress
  • Work-life balance
  • Health issues

Above all else look after yourself

  • Make sleep a priority
  • Schedule down time and social events
  • Develop a support network
  • Appropriate exercise
  • Be careful with alcohol and other drugs
  • Have your own regular GP
  • Seek help if you need it
  • Look out for your colleagues

Where to go for assistance

  • Doctors Health Advisory Service in every State/Territory
  • State Prevocational bodies - various websites and networks concerning JMO health and wellbeing (e.g.
  • Beyond Blue (
  • State Medical Benevolent Associations
  • AMA (for members)