This webinar discusses in general the laws that govern the use and prescribing of medicines in Australian healthcare and the personal and professional risks associated with any inappropriate prescribing. For specific State or Territory requirements please check with your local Department of Health Drug & Poisons Unit. 

The session explains where prescriptions are required, how to manage and prescribe Schedule 8 drugs of dependence, the do's and dont's of drug storage, off label use, prescribing for yourself and family,  and record keeping of prescribing. 

Learning objectives

  1. Explain the laws and processes around prescribing throughout Australia
  2. Discuss the various risk faced by inappropriate prescribing
  3. Manage risks around prescribing by implementing risk avoidance strategies


Dr Paul Alexander is a General Practitioner and MIPS clinico-legal adviser based In Queensland . Dr Alexander has over 30 years of experience in general practice, public hospital sector administration and within the military as a senior health adviser. He is a regular contributor to MIPS risk education. 

Watch the webinar