Transitioning from an advanced trainee to a junior consultant is a challenging and exciting period in the journey of every health medical practitioner. With thoughtful skill development planning you can ease the transition from registrar to consultant. Like in any other endeavor, the key to your sustained success will rest upon your ability to reflect and work on your limitations and seek assistance and feedback when required. 

Developing as a consultant 

Becoming a new consultant can feel like a baptism of fire. It is a steep learning curve, but there is support available through your peer network, senior colleagues, and your medical college Support program just to name a few. Always seek advice or get a second opinion when needed.


  • Increased workload and responsibility 
  • Learning how to become an effective leader  
  • Limited administrative support causing increased paperwork 
  • Having to learn and adapt to new systems and processes 
  • Learning to work effectively with new colleagues 
  • Lack of goals and structured learning now that your training is ‘complete.’  


  • Know your limitations 
  • Set realistic personal and professional goals 
  • Invest in supervision and leadership development training 
    • Attend and book conferences well in advance  
    • Keep on top of your CPD 
    • Reflect and act upon your learning needs 
  • Protect your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing 
    • Build meaningful and respectful relationships with peers and teammates  
    • Have your own GP 
    • Seek professional help early when needed
  • Organise your time 
    • Segment your day in blocks of time 
    • Create a daily ‘To do list’ with your top priorities clearly identified 
    • Be clear on non-negotiables 
    • Learn new ways to practice more effectively 

Key messages

  • Be mindful and proactive about the challenges ahead of you.  
  • Reflect on your goals regularly and make sure they are realistic. 
  • Embrace a growth mindset and ask for help. 
  • Your wellbeing is your biggest asset and is non-negotiable. Have a GP and seek professional help early on if needed.

 MIPS resources

 CV Writing - How to succeed in getting the interview 

Sharpen your interview skills 

Highly effective techniques to progress your career 

Colleagues in difficulty