Have you been asked by patients or your employer /supervisor to perform procedures beyond your training, qualifications and experience? Do you know the importance of managing a complaint properly? The Dental Board asks that you practice within your training and scope of practice to minimise patient harm and the risk of complaint, claim or investigation. It is OK to say no to your patients or refer them to a colleague - this may be the most sensible course of action for that particular demanding patient or problematic treatment beyond your scope.


Dr Jeff Cox is a specialist prosthodontist and educational lecturer from Queensland. Dr Cox has a keen interest in clinico-legal matters, in particular those relating to dental practice and is a regular MIPS presenter to members and stakeholders.

This webinar was recorded in Melbourne in October 2015 and runs for approximately 58 min. To obtain a Certificate of Attendance for dental practitioners you must view the entire webinar (1hr) and complete a feedback form. You may pause the video but you cannot track forward or back. 

Watch the webinar