Requirements for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) 

Medical technologies, treatments, and practises constantly advance over the course of a doctor's career, necessitating a lifelong dedication to learning. Continuing professional development (CPD) allows practitioners to continually upskill and identify areas of development that will ensure that their quality of care and depth of knowledge continues to grow and expand over time. There is growing evidence that CPD improves practitioner confidence, competence, and safety. 

Did you know? 

  • CPD declarations are subject to random audits by the boards.  
  • All healthcare practitioners must meet their continuing professional development (CPD) requirements as part of their Ahpra registration.  

How do I meet my CPD activity requirements? 

MIPS members can access our accredited CPD risk education training and other learning opportunities to meet your college and Ahpra CPD requirements. 

Medical members 

From 01 January 2023, the CPD Registration Standard (“the Standard”) requires all registered medical practitioners (except students, interns, non-practising doctors, and those granted exemption by the Medical Board of Australia (“the Board”) to confirm annually that they have met their CPD requirements when renewing their Ahpra registration. CPD declarations are also subject to random audit by the boards. 

Medical practitioners practicing in Australia must do 50 hours of CPD activities each year, split across a range of activities including: 

  • at least 25 hours of reviewing performance and measuring outcomes activities. You can decide the best mix of these activities to suit your practice. A minimum of five hours for each is required. 
  • 12.5 hours of traditional learning or educational activities. This can consist of reading, lectures, conferences, etc. 
  • 12.5 hours free choice of activities. You allocate these CPD hours. 

Dental members  

Dental practitioners are required to meet the Dental Board of Australia’s (“the Board”) Continuing professional development registration standard of a minimum 60 hours of CPD activities over a three-year CPD cycle (1 December 2022 to 30 November 2025). 

The CPD standard applies to all registered practitioners, that is, dentists, therapists, hygienists, specialists, oral health therapists and prosthetists and relates to complete a total number of CPD hours.  

There are no specified CPD activities, but you should engage in a range of CPD activities in line with the objectives of CPD and your own learning needs. However, minimum of 48 hours of CPD must be clinically or scientifically based. See Guidelines for CPD.  

Our educational training benefits  

We’re here to empower you with the knowledge and expertise to manage risk in your practice. With access to our accredited risk education training, you can meet your college and Aphra CPD requirements, and be better prepared to avoid adverse or unexpected outcomes with your patients.  

For dental members our CPD activities can contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of your knowledge, skills, and performance of oral health care from a risk-based perspective, meeting your  CPD activity requirements. 

Our Risk Education offerings are constantly being refined to reflect contemporary education principles, and covers broad medico-legal principles and frameworks, and professional codes of conduct related to the provision of healthcare.  

Our educational format 

Most of our education is delivered through online learning in the format of LIVE webinars, however we’ve recently expanded our CPD offering to include new activity types in our webinar series, which can attract up to three hours of CPD for members.  

We implement a micro-credential framework that is designed to provide our members with the skills and knowledge in a specific area, facilitating the professional skills they need to build proficiency in a particular subject area. 

An example of how we package our educational offering is to allow for as follows: 

  • Part 1 pre reviewing performance /reading & questionnaire /self-assessment.  
  • Part 2 educational activity – live webinar event attendance 
  • Part 3 post event reviewing performance/self-reflection or educational activity.  

We also work closely with college providers including RACGP, ACRRM, RACS, ACEM and RACP to seek accreditation for our educational programs. 

Educational Event FAQs 


How do I sign-up for an educational event? 

MIPS members will receive an email advising of an upcoming educational event and advise if this event attracts CPD and the corresponding amount. Simply follow the prompts to register and you’ll receive a response conforming your registration.  

Non-MIPS members are also welcome to register however you won’t be able to access some of the materials for example, on-demand education. 

How do I access the educational webinar on the day? 

Your registration conformation will contain the webinar link to login. You’ll also receive an email reminder the day before and on the day which will include the webinar access link. Please check your spam and junk emails and ensure that is made a safe link. 

Do MIPS educational webinars provide me with CPD? 

In developing our risk-educational webinars we work with college providers including RACGP, ACRRM, RACS, ACEM and RACP to seek accreditation for our events. All our promotional activities and correspondence will advise you prior of how much CPD is available. 

Where accredited, MIPS may process your CPD allocation with your respective College.  Other MIPS members may utilise the event for self-directed CPD or accumulation of hours where applicable.  

Will I receive a Certificate of Attendance and/or Completion 

We provide a Certificate of Attendance in recognition of your participation in the LIVE webinar event. Certificates of Attendance also double as your Certificate of Completion for this recognised activity. 

For all other CPD activity types, you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion for each activity successfully completed. 

When will I receive my Certificate of Attendance and/or Completion? 

Your Certificates reflecting each activity type successfully completed are issued 14 days post the submission closure date or three weeks post the live event date. We do not issue certificates immediately as we go through a verification and Q&A check. 

Is my risk education attendance recorded on my membership? 

For MIPS members we record all your risk education CPD activities that you undertake with us. You can access and view your records through the My Membership portal.  

If we receive a request from Ahpra to provide evidence of a member's educational engagement, we will provide them with a copy of the CPD activities they have completed. 


Activity types  

Can I do any of the educational activities offered? 

Yes, you may do any of the educational activities offered, however there may be times where you cannot complete the whole micro-credential and attain full CPD as there will be pre-and-post requisites which must be met. For example: Attendance at the live webinar educational activity (Part 2) may be a prerequisite to accessing pre and post event offerings in Part 1 or Part 3. See below structure.  

Micro-credential activity example: 

  • Part 1 educational activity: reviewing performance /reading & questionnaire /self-assessment. Pre-requisite to Part 2 and 3 
  • Part 2 educational activity: live webinar event attendance 
  • Part 3 educational activity: reviewing performance/self-reflection or educational activity. Post-requisite to Part 2. 

Will the activities offered be the same for each webinar event? 

Pre and post event activities may or may not be offered depending on the content, structure, and format of the education on offer. 

Is the amount of CPD offered the same at each time? 

The amount of CPD per micro-credential will vary based on duration of each of the educational activities and amount of accreditation obtained by the respective colleges.  

Attendees will be advised of how much CPD is available prior to registering. 

How do I meet the requirements for all CPD allocation on offer? 

Members must provide the appropriate requested response to pre or post webinar activities. This includes questionnaires, feedback/evaluation, self-reflection or assessment requirements. Submissions must be to the accepted professional standard to be awarded full CPD, if answers do not meet this criteria, participants may not receive CPD for that component of learning. 

Is there an evaluation for each CPD activity? 

Yes. Members must complete and submit an evaluation for each activity type completed to receive an attendance/completion certificate. 

When do submissions for activity types close? 

Submissions for all activity types typically close one week after the live webinar event. Members are advised via email about the submission deadlines for pre and post webinar activities.  

When is my webinar CPD processed? 

Your webinar CPD will be allocated to your college where MIPS has obtained accreditation within 21 days of the live event. Post-webinar communications will outline our approach. 

Is the webinar recorded and available to review? 

Yes. All webinars are recorded and made available online shortly after the live event. Members can access the recorded webinars via MIPS Support centre. 

These recordings can only be accessed by MIPS Members through On Demand Education. The OnDemand version provides a 1 hr CPD educational activity with a Certificate of attendance.  

Is Face-to-Face education provided? 

From time-to-time MIPS may arrange in face-to-face workshops and conferences. Members will all receive email invitations detailing these events.  
Details of upcoming events can be found here Upcoming Events. 

Do you offer risk education in hospitals and to other stakeholders? 

MIPS takes an active role in helping practitioners build a risk prevention mindset to help them navigate the opportunities and challenges of their careers. 

We work closely with teaching hospitals and education providers to complement their healthcare education programs delivering online educational sessions and in-person workshops, hosted by in-house medico-legal advisors, legal practitioners from MIPS partner law firms and medical indemnity experts. We align our topics with the Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors. 

To submit a request for a risk education session at your hospital, please 

What online risk education does MIPS offer?  

MIPS offers a comprehensive library of risk education content. This comprises of OnDemand recorded webinars and Practice Notes.  View our risk education content here