New Articles

  1. AI Scribes in Medicine and Dentistry – An Update 

    Join us for an interactive session expanding on  last year’s webinar , as we explore the medico-legal risks associated with AI-mediated scribes in healthcare. Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr Owen Bradfield, will examine recent legal devel...
  2. Reflecting on AI scribes in healthcare: a performance review update - Pre webinar activity

    Reviewing Performance Activity, 2 hours of CPD. This CPD activity invites you to explore the evolving role of AI scribes in clinical practice and to critically evaluate some of the potential risks of this transformative technology. ...
  3. Your membership classification – is it right for your practice?

    Your invitation to renew your MIPS’ membership will be issued in May 2024.  Now is   a good time   to check  that  your details are  accurate  and  that  your classification covers  the  healthcare  you provide  before we send  ...
  4. A Message from Our Chief Medical Officer

    As yet another year draws to a close, it is timely to reflect on the year that was and some of the work that MIPS has been doing to support you in your practice. Medico-legal issues – AI scribes 2024 has seen the rapid rise of AI scribes in clinic...
  5. Mandatory notifications - Supporting doctors and protecting patient safety

    Our first webinar of the year will explore your legal obligations to notify Ahpra if you've formed a reasonable belief that a health practitioner or student may be placing the public at risk by engaging in particular types of conduct in connection...
  6. Risk mitigation reflection: medico-legal insights of 2024 - Post Webinar Activity

    Reviewing Performance Activity, 1 hour of CPD. This activity invites you to reflect on two areas of clinical practice from a risk management perspective: using live prescription tracking tools and health record management. Online Form...
  7. The Year in Review: Medical and Dental Indemnity in 2024

    As we close out the year, join us for a comprehensive webinar exploring the key developments and trends that shaped the medico-legal landscape in 2024. We'll highlight recent legislative changes, major disciplinary decisions, and emerging t...
  8. What to Do if You Receive Correspondence from the Coroner

    What is the Role of the Coroner?  Each Australian State and Territory has a Coroners Court. A Coroner must be either a county court judge, a magistrate or barrister or solicitor. The Coroner’s role is to investigate sudden, unexpected and unnatural...
  9. From Student to Professional: Navigating Your First Steps in Healthcare

    Finally becoming a dentist or doctor after many years of hard work and study can be both exhilarating and daunting. Embrace this new phase of your career by recognising the challenges and the opportunities ahead.   Here’s a guide to help you naviga...
  10. Use of Unapproved Dental Products in Australia: A Warning for Dental Practitioners

    Product and medical device regulation sets important standards that ensure patient safety and maintain the integrity of the dental profession. The recent case of Dental Board of Australia v Pathmaperuma [2024] ACAT 49 highlights the critical imp...
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