New Articles

  1. Beyond the Fine Print – Contractual Considerations for Medical and Dental Practitioners

    Join us for an insightful discussion on employment and contractor agreements in healthcare. Using real-life examples and case scenarios, our speakers will explain key contractual terms, highlight common challenges, and share strategies to help you p...
  2. Navigating Employment Contracts: a reviewing performance activity for healthcare practitioners - Pre Webinar Activity

    0.5 hours Educational Activity + 1.5 hours Reviewing Performance Part A – Critical reading section (0.5 hours Educational Activity) From an evidence-based perspective, critical reading is an instructional tool that develops healthcare pr...
  3. AI Scribes Fact Sheet

    How to use this fact sheet  If you intend to use an AI scribe in your practice, this information will help you understand – and comply – with important privacy and medico-legal obligations. Your decision to use an AI scribe should be based on your...
  4. NSW Healthcare Liability Act 2001 & Insurance Regulation Order 2006

    Insurance Regulation Order 2006  Part 2 – Decisions concerning individual cover Division 1  1 Preliminary  For the purposes of this Part a refusal to provide approved insurance includes:  not accepting an offer to...
  5. Critically assessing AI scribes in clinical practice - Post Webinar Activity

    Time to complete: 5 hours This CPD activity is divided in two sections. We expect that completing both sections should take you 4 hours.  Section A  – (Reviewing Performance - 2 hours) invites you to undertake a Root-Cause-Analysis (R...
  6. AI Scribes in Medicine and Dentistry – An Update 

    Join us for an interactive session expanding on  last year’s webinar , as we explore the medico-legal risks associated with AI-mediated scribes in healthcare. Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr Owen Bradfield, will examine recent legal devel...
  7. Reflecting on AI scribes in healthcare: a performance review update - Pre webinar activity

    Reviewing Performance Activity, 2 hours of CPD. This CPD activity invites you to explore the evolving role of AI scribes in clinical practice and to critically evaluate some of the potential risks of this transformative technology. ...
  8. Your membership classification – is it right for your practice?

    Your invitation to renew your MIPS’ membership will be issued in May 2024.  Now is   a good time   to check  that  your details are  accurate  and  that  your classification covers  the  healthcare  you provide  before we send  ...
  9. A Message from Our Chief Medical Officer

    As yet another year draws to a close, it is timely to reflect on the year that was and some of the work that MIPS has been doing to support you in your practice. Medico-legal issues – AI scribes 2024 has seen the rapid rise of AI scribes in clinic...
  10. Mandatory notifications - Supporting doctors and protecting patient safety

    Our first webinar of the year will explore your legal obligations to notify Ahpra if you've formed a reasonable belief that a health practitioner or student may be placing the public at risk by engaging in particular types of conduct in connection...
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